Business Details
Yoga for the Brain
Call or click to connect
Nevada City, CA 95960
United States of America
Cristina Smith

Cristina Smith
Subtle Energy Expert
(619) 339-6901

Darity Wesley

Darity Wesley
Executive Assistant

Subtle energy healer and coach, biofield researcher, and internationally published writer. Internationally acclaimed Medical Intuitive on, Cristina is a practitioner and teacher of energetic healing, longtime spiritual student, Panacea Community teacher and Om Times magazine featured columnist. She works with clients one on one, offers workshops, speaks at conferences and takes pictures of the chakras and energy fields with the amazing Biofield Viewer (tm) for clients and practitioners.
YOGA FOR THE BRAIN BOOK SERIES: Looking for a fun way to pass the time AND stretch your brain? Want to participate in a unique collaborative? Reach out to Cristina for details on her "Yoga for the Brain" series!