Business Details
Dr. Fricke
Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein 24103
Peter Fricke

Peter Fricke


I've spent nearly 20 years rescuing and growing businesses, and the only reason I've been able to do that is because of my expertise in
- medicine,
- psychology,
- and military leadership as a Navy Commander.

That made me an expert for extreme business performance, because I've learned how to thrive in high-pressure situations, such as

(1) saving lives of dying people on the street,

(2) Land and Sea Survival Training in the German and US Navy.

(3) and being a Certified Space Coach,

All this is basically help people succeed in the most hostile conditions you can imagine – and never give up on them.

And this is the way I coach business owners, because compared to what I‘ve done before saving and growing businesses is easy for me!