Did you know that certain holistic health expenses can be deducted from your taxes? IRS Publication 502 lists these allowable expenses*. They include:

  • Acupuncturists
  • Body Scans
  • Chiropractors
  • Christian Science Practitioners
  • Osteopaths
  • Psychologists
  • Stop Smoking Programs
  • Weight Loss Programs

Want to join a fast-growing movement that is bringing attention to the value of these and other holistic health and wellness practices? Join the Holistic Chamber of Commerce - we're connecting healthier people for a healthier planet. 

* Medical expenses must be for alleviating or preventing a physical or mental defect or illness. However, health care for general health purposes, such as vitamins or a vacation, are not allowable (yet).

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By Camille Leon, Founder of The Holistic Chamber of Commerce, an international organization representing holistically-minded professionals, practitioners, businesses and the products and services they offer. To learn more, visit HolisticChamberOfCommerce.com or call 310-490-6862.