It’s great when you get booked on a podcast or radio show, but it’s even better if you can convert from the virtual stage. Getting people to either opt in to your free offer or accept your paid offer from a podcast is the golden ticket.
Once you’ve established your credibility; related a story that begins the process of getting people to know, like and trust you; offered great value; and given people action steps they can take, now is the time to provide them a chance to get even more from you.
The following are the key elements you must have in place to ensure that your appearance achieves the maximum client attraction!
Hit their “Pain Point.”
What you are offering on the air must satisfy or solve a critical pain point for the audience of listeners. Whatever offer you craft, whether it is paid or free, needs to create urgency for them…the faster they get a solution, the faster their pain recedes. Be their hero!
Have a compelling title or name for it that encapsulates the benefit.
Get creative. Put a moniker on it that is memorable and pierces right to their festering sore. Give them a reason to download it – whether it makes them laugh, creates recognition in their inner core, eases pain or gives them a sigh of relief!
Work up to its presentation, seeding the conversation.
You can begin seeding the conversation early on by saying things like “and before we wrap up, I’ll have a simple way you can do this for you,“ or “there’s a resource for you that we’ll be discussing later on that will provide some ways to help you.” Get them hyped up to hear what you’ve got!
Have your offer down; don’t ramble.
Practice your delivery, so you don’t ramble and you are very clear on what it will do for them. You can briefly review what its components are, but stay focused on the outcome. Be able to deliver it 1 minute, 2 minutes or 5 minutes…you’ll have an idea how much time is allowed when you see how much time is left on the interview clock. If it’s an audience participation show, leave a few minutes to answer questions. People may want to know more.
Keep it simple. Make it easy for people to understand.
Remember you are talking the lowest possible denominator here, so stay as simple as you can in the explanation and the call to action. Any confusion will minimize action.
Don’t forget the call-to-action!
Don’t make the mistake of giving a great description of what you are providing and then forgetting to make it a call-to-action. Tell them where to get it and how. Urge, invite, encourage them to move forward and take advantage immediately.
Make it easy for people to access.
Have an easy-to-remember URL where they can retrieve your gift or your product/service for sale. Repeat it a second time so people who are writing it or putting it into their phones can capture what you are saying.
Have a follow-up sequence.
Whether you are giving them a free informational gift, or getting them to purchase some resource from you, you must have a follow-up sequence set up to deliver with auto-responders. With a free gift, you begin to nurture them and lead them toward a purchase or enrollment. With a purchase, you’ll have a thank you and product delivery sequence. Have these all in place before you ever hit the airwaves.
Start small.
If you are offering a purchase or enrollment offer, with podcast and radio, one great strategy is to start with something small, well under $100, lowering the resistance barrier. Then, through personal conversations and followup sequence, you can move them forward to more high ticket offerings.
Strategy and consultation sessions are great for coaches.
One very effective strategy for coaches—if you have the time to do this—is to make an offer to do a 3- minute strategy or consultation with prospects. In that short time you should be able to:
- develop rapport
- get clarity on their problem and what you could offer that would benefit them
- introduce them to the program you offer, tailored to their needs
- present them a way to take advantage of it
Have an easy way to book strategy or consultation sessions.
If you are making an offer of a strategy or consultation session, make it easy for them to schedule with you. Have an easy-to-find spot on your website where they can access a scheduling app that automates your appointments. Or buy a simple two or three word URL that you can point to that calendar, something like:
Make sure your website is streamlined.
Some people will simply forget your free offer URL or your calendar invitation, so streamline your website so that people can find them easily if they simply go hunting for you. Keep your home page uncluttered, and if you offer your gift from there, give them a simple form or send them to the landing page. Your scheduler can be on your About page or on your Contact Page. Make sure to mention your website in the interview, too.
Invite them to follow you on social media
While your gift or offer is your #1 call-to-action, you can also invite them to follow you on social media—if there is plenty of available time in the interview. Don’t do this if you are on a time limitation. Just focus on your main objective.
Give out your email
Depending on whether you want to make your email public or not, you have the option of inviting people to email you for a direct conversation. I like to do this on virtual summits because it goes to a closed audience, and I will have built up an intimacy with the summit attendees and the host.
In summary, have a resource with clear benefits and an outcome, a compelling call to action, and an easy way for folks to find you!
If you want an easy way to secure 40 new direct contacts for “life-enhancing” podcasts every month, visit to Or for business podcasts:
Jackie Lapin is the Founder of SpeakerTunity, The Speaker & Leader Resource Company, providing leads, tools and strategies for leaders, coaches and entrepreneurs to get booked for speaking engagements, radio shows, podcasts, virtual summits, TEDx events and virtual networking. SpeakerTunity is the Speaker’s Ultimate Tool Box.