be a time to dread or anticipated with excitement. It’s your choice — yes, it really is.
1. Make a decision that this year is going to be different, that you are going to ENJOY this holiday season.
It all starts here, with the DECISION.
2. Set the intention for how you want this time of year to look.
For example:
- fun, relaxing, and enjoyable
- camaraderie with neighbors, work colleagues, and people you meet on a casual basis in stores, restaurants, or the subway
- festive celebrations at home with your near and dear ones
- hot apple cider, holly and mistletoe, red candles, festive lights, singing songs
3. Focus on the positive.
things that are happening, on times that are going well and on enjoying
yourself. Laugh more. What we focus on expands.
Forget about trying to “combat” stress (sounds like a battle, doesn’t it?) Keep your attention on the positives, and
stress naturally drops away.
4. Be more loving.
Start with yourself. You can’t give what you don’t have. Drop
self-judgment, self-criticism, and giving yourself a hard time for not being perfect.
Have compassion for yourself. We are all human, and it’s your imperfections that
make you so adorable. You are unique. Trust that you are deeply loved, simply
because you exist – you are a valuable part of our world. The more you love
yourself, and I mean ALL aspects of yourself, the more love and compassion you
have for others.
5. Do your best.
have different skills, knowledge, talents, personalities, and tolerances. Are you a
person who over-gives and forgets about yourself? If so, you create an
undercurrent of resentment, tension, and fear that doesn’t serve YOU, let alone
anyone else. Remember that you can’t please all of the people all of the time, just
some of the people, some of the time. When you do your best, YOU know you have
offered the best of yourself, and that has to be enough.
6. Enliven your surroundings with the color red.
scarves, and hats; light red candles; bring in red flowering plants — if you have access to red poinsettias, they are a joy! Any creative idea you have for including
the color red has a powerful effect in the darkest days of the year to lighten your
mood and create a festive, heartening atmosphere.
7. Contribute to the well-being of our planet.
Donate food and clothing to the poor in your area. Volunteer time at a social service agency. Put up bird feeders and
keep them filled throughout the winter to supplement the diets of wild birds.
Donate funds and items to non-profit groups, such as churches and environmental
organizations. Make a pledge to do some form of good works in the new year.
Helping others can take your mind off your own problems and inspire feelings of
gratitude for what you do have. (As long as you don’t over-give and forget about
yourself! See #5.)
8. Pray.
of the winter time supports going within to give thanks, receive spiritual guidance,
and set intentions for the upcoming year.
"In my busy-ness, I sometimes forget to stop and give thanks for all the blessings in
my life. I am truly fortunate to experience abundance, health and aliveness. I am
grateful for the simple joys of laughter, for the ability to love and be loved, for the
opportunity to witness everyday miracles."
9. Celebrate.
of celebration. You can celebrate failures, too. They open doorways for something
new to come in. Your positive attitude will activate the Law of Attraction and bring
you even more positivity and goodness.
Enjoy this season.

About the Author:
awareness and healing thru her signature processes the Diamond Heart™ and
Diamond Body™ Healing Modalities, which make positive and permanent changes in
your life. Learn more about her at www.DiscoverMeditation.com.