Today is the day! Start it your way!
Starting new (or old) projects is much like planting a seed for a tree. You may wish you had done it years ago so it would already be fully grown and flourishing.
If you didn't, for whatever reason, plant your seed and start your project today.
Your tree in your garden won't grow until it is planted. In a case like this, done is better than perfect.
Once your project is started, it will be much easier to see whether it needs more water or more sunlight. You may find that you need help from a specialist... Someone who is good with that type of tree (project). Perhaps you need a webmaster, or social media assistance, or a bookkeeper, or a particular type of wellness expert (exercise, nutrition, emotional and energy support).
For me, here at the HCC, we started our YouTube channel many moons ago. I don't even want to look and see when that was.
Last week, we brought on a specialist who can help with our videos and getting them posted! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/HolisticCC
More importantly, we added a new intro video that makes it easier to share who we are and what we do, connecting more people to holistic, green and natural solutions offered by our members. It's clear that people are concerned about too many medications, from opioids to insulin. What they need is easier access to the products, services and solutions that help them get and stay healthy without negative side effects. So our project is finding ways to reach out further.
What's your project? Start today!