It is important to remember to take care of ourselves at this time of year… If self-care slides and we get sick, it’s no good for anyone, impacting everything from running errands to holiday gatherings.

Even on Zoom, no one wants to see you sick in bed!
There are many easy and affordable ways to stay healthy no matter how busy you are:
- Acupuncturists bring an Eastern aspect to body-mind medicine… Find a reference-checked Acupuncturist in our online directory. Hint: Search by category.
- Chiropractors specialize in your physical health… Find a reference-checked chiropractor in our directory here. Search by category.
- Essential oils are popular for all types of wellness concerns. We suggest starting with someone like Denise Flood.
- Find a supplement that works for you. Our member Linda McBee loves what she calls “Happy DNA Drops!”
- If you are currently in pain and looking for a new approach, Heather Phillips is a respected coach for those who want to win the pain game.
Interested in overall health? Find more info at
If you prefer video content, it can also be viewed here.

Holistic Chamber of Commerce and the Author of Fresh Starts / Transformation in Action.
She helps people find holistic approaches to health, life and business, and creates connections in every element.
Camille is also an Artist ~ her paintings are available at
Picture Credit: Bundo Kim on Unspalsh