Energy healing is a holistic health therapy that works with your body’s energy system to remove blocks causing disruptions. Your energy system is a hidden force within you that influences your health; your doctor regularly orders tests that check this system. This increasingly popular way to improve your health helps address the root cause of symptoms in a noninvasive and gentle way. 
In this article we’ll cover the basics of energy healing, how this powerful therapy works, how it pairs with other health care to help you achieve lifelong health, and how to use this holistic therapy in your own life.

Understanding Energy Healing

The National Cancer Institute defines energy healing as “a form of complementary and alternative medicine that works with the vital energy that flows through the human body. The goal of energy healing is to balance the energy flow within the patient.” (NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms). 

Doctors measure this energy system with EKG and EEG tests in modern medicine, but energy healing recognizes that energy exists not just in the brain and heart but throughout the entire body. This subtle energy system influences all tissues in the human body. Normally, this energy flows similarly to blood, nourishing the body with vital energy. 

Stress of any kind creates blockages in this energy system that begin to affect the body’s function. Trauma, adverse childhood events (ACEs), illnesses, injuries, and other life stressors create energy blockages that begin to affect this flow of vital energy and decrease the body’s ability to repair and heal. Energy healing removes these energy blocks to repair the vital energy flow, allowing the body to heal. Energy healing does not directly treat symptoms but rather removes blockages affecting health, naturally addressing the root cause of illness, providing healing that strengthens the body and lasts.

What is an Energy Worker?

Someone who trains to sense and work with the body’s subtle energy system is called an energy worker or energy healer. The energy worker identifies blocks in your body’s energy system and removes them to facilitate healing. This is done using the universal field of energy to repair energy blocks and energy imbalances. Contrary to popular belief, the energy worker does not give you their energy during a healing session but rather uses external universal energy. The unique skills and training of the healer will influence how they offer healing and repair imbalances.

Benefits of Energy Healing

Energy healing integrates easily with other medical and healing practices. Because integrative energy healing is noninvasive and does not use medications or supplements to biochemically heal the body, it has no side effects and no contraindications with other treatments. This makes it ideal for patients looking to improve other healing efforts, including medical therapies, holistic therapies, or mental health therapies. Integrative energy healing works to strengthen the body from the foundation up by improving the flow of vitality through the body. At its core, it helps the body heal itself. This helps other efforts be better tolerated and work better, without any negative interaction.

Energy Healing Techniques

There are many techniques to move energy within the body, varying from highly focused healing modalities to less directed practices. Some rely on the patient moving their body and others are passive, where the patient simply receives healing. Some healers touch the body while others do not. Sessions can be offered in-person or remotely (also called distance healing).

In Reiki, one of the most well-known forms of energy healing, the energy worker brings Reiki frequency energy from the universal energy field into specific energy centers in the body for healing. Integrated Energy Therapy is similar to Reiki but uses a different frequency of energy from the universal energy field, while the practitioner pulls energy blockages out of the energy field layers. 

Qigong is a form of movement and breath control where you learn to harness and flow with the energy in your body, similar to martial arts and Tai Chi practices. Energy healing that focuses and targets specific systems and functions in the body include BodyTalk, RayZen Lightwork, Eden and other energy medicine tools.

There are different layers and functions for different parts of the human energy field, and healers work with all of these to improve symptoms. Energy healing often addresses the major energy centers in the body, the pathways that energy flows upon, or any part of the body that may have energy blocks from life experiences. It addresses the energy of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Causes of Energy Blocks

Energy blocks form when an energy in the present moment exceeds your ability to process it. Stresses of all kinds that overwhelm us have the potential to create energy blockages. Low resistance to stress increases your susceptibility. 

Physical stressors such as accidents, infections, injuries, and toxin exposure can all cause energy blocks. Emotional stressors such as overwhelm, feeling unsafe, heartache, endings of relationships, loss of a loved one can cause energy blocks. Mental stressors such as overwork, anxiety, ruminating and negative thinking can disrupt energy flow. Spiritual stresses are harder to spot but can be difficult to heal without professional assistance, including power imbalances in relationships, victimization, abuse, trauma, bullying, and negative energies in your environment.

Locations of Blocks

The location of the energy block will determine how it affects your wellbeing. Blocks in the heart energy may affect how you feel about yourself and your ability to connect and trust others. Blocks in the digestive system may cause stomach aches, indigestion, ulcers, food sensitivities, and bowel disease. Blocks in the immune system will cause chronic infections, inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain and more. Disruptive energy can be stored in any body tissue and affect any system or function in your body. As blocks heal, the body’s normal function returns and symptoms resolve.

Engaging with Energy Healing: A Simple Exercise

When it comes to energy healing, there truly is something for everyone! The wide variety of ways to shift energy means there is a method that meets your preferences and needs. Connecting to energy in your body can be all that is required for healing to take place. We leverage this fact in this simple yet powerful exercise you can use to calm your mind and body when stress overwhelms you. 

Notice, Allow, Release

  1. Begin by taking a couple of deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly. 

  2. Allow your mind to slow down. Place a hand on your heart and one on your belly if it’s helpful to draw your attention into your body and away from your mind. Focus on your hands and any sensations you feel.

  3. Now notice what you feel in your body. This could include a specific emotion, tightness, heat, buzzing, butterflies in the stomach, or other. Just allow any feelings without judgment. 

  4. Once you connect to something (or nothing —that’s fine, too), it’s time to allow it to be there. This step is imperative to allow energy to move. Often, we try to talk ourselves out of feelings or distract ourselves with something in our environment. Just allow whatever you noticed and give it permission to be there.
  5. In the same breath, also give it permission to move, so it can process and leave you. Usually you will notice this energy changing within fifteen to thirty seconds. Just stay with it and it should change, lessen or dissipate. 

How Energy Healing Alleviates Symptoms

Energy healing benefits your body by strengthening at the foundation. Rather than treating a symptom, you strengthen the body organically by removing whatever is blocking its function. Emotional benefits include feeling lighter, happier, calmer. You’ll feel a sense of peace as stress in your body lessens. Physically, you’ll notice a decrease in your symptoms: reduced pain, less digestive upset, higher energy levels, lower anxiety, less frequent or severe headaches, and improved sleep. 

Because energy healing works at the foundation of your system, spiritually you’ll notice synchronicity as opportunity begins to flow into your life with more ease. Whether a new car, vacation, job opportunity or relationship, when energy blocks clear, you can manifest your desires with less struggle.

Energy healing works by lifting off energy blockages caused by stress so your body can feel better. It helps your body and mind return to healthy balance. This allows your life to flow with more ease, eliminating stress in many areas of your life. Use simple techniques such as the ones outlined above to help yourself feel calm and balanced. Work with a practitioner to help heal major symptoms in your body and mind. Even if you’ve been told there is no solution for the symptoms you feel, consider energy healing as a non-invasive way to defy odds and reclaim your health.

What to Expect after Energy Healing 

After energy healing, you can expect to feel great! Clients most often report feeling lighter, calmer, and more resilient to stress that comes up in daily life. They feel less reactive, more centered and able to hold their stability. They often report better sleep and less physical symptoms in their body. Sometimes clients notice transient feelings of emotion from the past. They may feel closure from hard-to-release situations in their lives, often after years and years of therapy where complete healing was elusive. 

Energy healing leaves you feeling more optimistic and empowered, knowing there is a way to heal your body and mind that is easily accessible and highly effective. It connects you authentically to your power and your higher self so you feel supported and aligned with your desires. Knowing there is a way to help yourself even if doctors have told you there is nothing else that can be done is absolutely priceless.

Energy Healing is the Key to a Vibrant, Present Life

Energy healing is a low risk, high reward method of holistic healing. It strengthens your body from the foundation without risk of side effects. It doesn’t interfere with any other treatment or medication. It addresses all of you, rather than just the body or just the mind. It does not require reliving stress or talking about your past in order to heal. It’s a highly focused way to release the power of your past and recover your health with the goal of living in the present in vibrant health. It is an easy modality to add to your wellness journey to boost the results of other prescribed medications, supplements and therapies. 

If you feel you’ve tried everything and still haven’t found the answers you seek, you owe it to yourself to consider energy healing. It was the missing puzzle piece in my own health journey and that of countless clients. Healing truly is possible.


About the Author

Sarah Lascano is an energy medicine practitioner and healer at RayZen Energy, where she has helped people reclaim their health in thousands of sessions. She finds the root cause of illness with powerful but gentle healing.




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