Arati Gupta
Business Details
Go Holistics, LLC
209 Nathaniel Avenue
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
United States of America
Arati Gupta

Arati Gupta

Tulasi (Basil), queen of herbs, “the legendary Incomparable One” is one of the Holiest and most cherished of the many Healing and Health giving herbs of the Orient.
Tulasi (Basil) is renowned for its Religious and Spiritual sanctity as well as for its central role in the Holistic Health & Herbal Medicine of the East.
An astonishing array of Health Promoting, Disease Preventing & Life Prolonging Properties of Tulasi (Basil) have been described and documented over 5,000 years.
Great ancient sages: Charak, Dhanvantri, Sushrut and other great Physicians and Pharmacologists have unanimously accorded Tulasi (Basil), an eminent position as a therapeutic agent.