Peter Bedard
(323) 384-8433
Business Details
Convergence Healing
Call or click to connect
Los Angeles, CA 90042
United States of America
Peter Bedard

Peter Bedard
Author, Speaker, Teacher, Hypnotherapist

You know how impossible it seems to heal at times? How some people live in fear of never being able to heal and end up relying on drugs and surgery to help them survive?
Well, Peter has healed himself of everything from chronic anxiety to arthritis, asthma, fibromyalgia, depression, sciatica, and he’s died before and come back to a body wracked in pain, a mind trapped in fear, and a spirit broken. He’s healed from all this and more and he can help you to do the same.
With an MA in Consciousness Studies and extensive training in Hypnotherapy, Peter has helped thousands of people heal. Through his expertise working with anxiety, addiction, and chronic conditions Peter has developed a tried and true process for creating your own path to wellness, Convergence Healing, and he can help you.
Check out Peter's delicious healing teas at and his book, ''Convergence Healing, Healing Pain with Energetic Love'' wherever fine books are sold.
10:00 am to 4:00 pm