Tearhsa Wilder
Business Details
The Souls Harmony
P.O. Box 15328
Surfside Beach, SC 29578
United States of America
Tearhsa Wilder

Tearhsa Wilder

The Souls Harmony is a loving space designed to open the heart to love, to guide you to create harmony in life and heal the pains of the human.
Our Spiritual Self-Help Books, Courses, Program and Personal Sessions guide you to use your personal power to achieve self-enlightenment and continued soul growth. 
The Meridian Enlightenment "ME" Energy Healing Modality, "Sacred Soul Alignment" Sessions and "It's My Damn Life!" Membership Program are a few of the avenues utilized to achieve self-worth, self-realization and to reach the original blueprint of the soul.
Life is about CHOICE.
Choose a deeper connection with yourself and the reality you’ve created.
Open your heart, grow your soul and discover your truths.
Choose YOU!