Heidi Widoff
Business Details
Oral Facial Health Care
1825 Forest Hill Blvd.
Suite 201
Lake Clark Shores, FL 33406
United States of America
Heidi Widoff

Heidi Widoff
Orofacial massage therapist

Oral Facial Health Care was established in 2006 in CA and has relocated to Delray Beach, FL in 2019. Oralmyology, also known as Myofunctional therapy is a non-invasive holistic approach that treats the whole body by working with the muscles of the face, tongue, mouth and jaw to create symmetry, balance and proper oral habits for a lifelong healthy posture. The Clinical Oral Facial Massage is an innovative modality derived from myofascial release which opens the fascia under the tongue, relieves facial tension, balances the TMJ, opens the sinuses intra and extra-orally while combining nasal breathing techniques to increase N2O intake and help in relieving migraines. It's Therapy for the Mouth that's Good for the Face. For more information please visit our website - www.oralmyology.com.