Member Event / Retreat: Your Ultimate Life Now!
You know you are meant for so much more and NOW more than ever, you want to help. You are compelled to share and contribute.
Yet, it feels even scarier to do this at this point in time.
There is so much fear and doubt and uncertainty in our world right now and it feels like the sensible thing to do is to hunker down and wait it out.
I encourage you to consider a different alternative.
Consider that NOW is the time more than EVER for you to courageously take a stand for your dream and the people you are meant to help.
You have a dream and you know that dream can make a difference in the lives of so many other people.
In fact, the very reason that you tell yourself to not go for your dream is the very reason for you to do it!
The world needs you to live your big, bold dream because it is the way you will make the difference you are created to make.
The good news is, I have been helping people create lives that they love for DECADES!
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