Boost Your Immune System with ZYTO Scan Personalized Wellness

Top Immune-Supporting Supplements for Winter Wellness![]() Here are some of the best supplements to boost your immune system and keep you feeling your best during winter:
Exploring Energy: Fatigue and Beyond
Daily Habits That Can Affect Our Skin
Love is Life and Life is Love
For me, love is more than just an emotion or feeling; it is the energy, force, or frequency that created all that is. I call it Intelligent Love, a concept I learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza, a researcher, lecturer, and New York Times best-selling author known for his work on the mind-body connection and the impact of meditation on health and well-being. In my eyes, love is the Creator or what many call God. |
Navigating Grief and Estrangement During the Holidays: A Therapeutic Approach
Estrangement from family can be complex, painful, and multifaceted, especially when the disconnect is permanent or indefinitely unresolved. When a person feels disconnected from their family, they might wrestle with deep feelings of sadness, anger, or betrayal — emotions that often surge during the holiday season. Examining this topic from a therapeutic lens can provide insight into understanding, validating, and ultimately supporting individuals as they navigate these challenges. |
How to Choose the Right Type of Yoga![]() If you’re thinking of taking up a personal yoga practice, it can seem intimidating at first. Any research into yoga studios in your area probably brought up classes for Vinyasa, Hatha, Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyengar, Gentle, Restorative, Yin, Kundalini, Power, etc. |
What is Energy Healing? An Intro Guide![]() In this article we’ll cover the basics of energy healing, how this powerful therapy works, how it pairs with other health care to help you achieve lifelong health, and how to use this holistic therapy in your own life.
How to Be Grateful for People You Don’t Like
Nine Keys for A Joyful, Stress-Free Holiday![]() be a time to dread or anticipated with excitement. It’s your choice — yes, it really is. I’ve experienced both of these scenarios, and, believe me, full-of-joy is the way to go. Here are nine tips to make your holiday season the best one ever! |
High Blood Pressure & Holistic Health Options![]() |
Health Approaches for Lowering Cholesterol Levels![]() |
12 Questions to Ask when Considering a Collaborative Book Project![]() When you sign up to be a part of an expert book collaboration, it can be an incredible
business building tool. Still, you should understand the key components of your return on investment (ROI) and choose your projects wisely! |
Freedom to Choose Your Path to Health
While it would be easy to debate which of these keys is the most important, it is also easy to see that access is the most critical. If you are looking for acupuncture, you need to find an acupuncturist that you can get to. If you are looking for a chiropractor, you want one that is close enough to drive to. |
Making Heart Connections with Facebook Lives |
Personal Development: Seeing Through the Illusions![]() Shared with permission from Karen Sachs of Paint Your Essence. Curated by HCC Founder Camille Leon. "We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality," says novelist and philosopher Iris Murdoch. It's a thought-provoking statement, especially considering how often the world around us challenges our perception. Optical illusions are a perfect example of this—they play tricks on our vision, making us question what we see and how we interpret it.
Patient Advocacy: Protecting Rights and Enhancing Care![]() |
Website Color Theory Can Boost Your Website’s Engagement and Sales![]() Shared with permission from Dotty Scott of Premium Websites. Curated by HCC Founder Camille Leon. Website color theory and psychology are crucial aspects of website design that go beyond aesthetics. Colors influence how visitors feel and interact with a site, shaping their perceptions and behaviors. Understanding and applying color can create an appealing website that evokes your audience’s desired emotional responses... |
How to Get More Leads from Google |
Loving the Labyrinth
Is Your Business Effective? |
When Unexpected Change Leads to Referral Requests
Now, on the other side, it is easier to see the benefits of change. More is available from the comfort of home -- No parking hassles! No traffic! The ability to meet with people from all over the world! Even better, one of the changes to come out of these past few years is that MORE people are looking for holistic approaches to health and wellness, MORE people are open and looking for members like you, who offer products and services for overall wellness and with no negative side effects.
Mustard Seed Miracles ~ Inspiration!![]() Then, I found a reference to mustard seeds in both biblical and Buddhist teachings! |
I Don't Want to Write about Cancer![]() Twenty years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a double mastectomy and moved forward with no chemo or radiation. For her, it was a good move and she has been cancer-free ever since. This year, according to the American Cancer Society, about 340,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed among US women, and more than 43,000 women will die from it. Two of my closest friends are among those who were diagnosed, and it's Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Is it Covered by My Insurance?Some people assume that complementary, integrative therapies are not covered by insurance... And I'm here to tell you that some insurance companies do cover these techniques. Holistic health approaches include psychological and/or physical wellness specialties such as spinal manipulation (i.e. chiropractic), acupuncture, massage or counseling. Some insurance companies cover these, depending on the type of policy you have. Here's how you find out whether a specific holistic health product or service is covered by your insurance.
When a Consumer Calls![]() In this case, she's in Virginia and was looking for a massage therapist specializing in lymphatic massage for her friend in Florida who has Breast Cancer. She wanted a referral to someone trustworthy and skilled that she could pass along. |
The Best Business Books for the Holistic Tribe![]() We only recommend books that we love and think you will, too. We may receive a portion of sales from products purchased through this article, which was written by our Founder, Camille Leon. The HCC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. So you're a creative, spiritual entrepreneur or perhaps you sell holistic products/services... Still, to spend more time doing what you want to do, you'll need to make money at it. Yet you want to work in alignment with your values. How do you do that? Along the way of building the Holistic Chamber of Commerce, I've found several business books that are relevant and resonate with the holistic approach. Whether you listen to your books, read them electronically or prefer the OG hard copy, these are worth your time and money (or get them from the library). They are, in no particular order: |
If you’re considering visiting an Acupuncturist for the first time
What's in it for Me?What's in it for Me? I mean, really, why should you join? How will membership actually help you? ![]() I mean, if you were to become a member... And for those of you who already are a member, let's make sure you are fully connected to even more of what's included... We talk about connections, but who would you be connecting with and for what purpose? |
Picture this... in a Hospital![]() And it has me circling back to the BIG vision of what can happen when we come together in one umbrella professional organization for the holistic marketplace. Picture this... Imagine that when you, or anyone, walks into a hospital, they see essential oils...
The Dangers of Creativity![]() Are you naturally creative? Always coming up with new ideas? The danger of too many ideas is what is commonly known as 'butterfly syndrome' which can appear as if you are not dependable or committed to any one thing. Additionally, it can be challenging to implement effective actions on your primary focus if you are always chasing the next best thing... The good news is that there are a few ways to wrangle your creative ideas, get them in alignment and fly high!
Fun Fact - The Brain on Art![]() Whether you are looking at art or actively creating art, you are stimulating your brain and blood flow. It's good for mental and physical health!
8 Billion!![]() There are 8 billion ways to live, with multiple options, choices and decisions being made every day. This is good news in several ways and the first is that you are the only you! It also means that there are plenty of people who could use your product/service. The key is to find them and help them understand why they want it, making it easy for them to purchase.
The Power of PartnershipsHow do you leverage the power of connections and collaborations to expand your reach as a holistic professional or business owner? Whether you own your own business or work for someone else, partnerships are a powerful way to expand your reach to new customers, clients or patients AND power up your presence in the marketplace. What would the world, and our businesses, be like if we viewed everyone as a partner? When we view everyone as a partner, we are more likely to treat people with respect and consideration. From there, we are well-positioned to create partnerships that go beyond the status quo. |
Successful Leadership through Aikido![]() Aikido, the art of the Samurai, is a Japanese martial art and has been recognized by top educators, business leadership groups and was even featured on Forbes, “Study Aikido to Become a Better Business Leader.” A Samurai spends a lifetime devoted to his cause and is always practicing to improve his skill. As an Aikidoka (one who practices Aikido) in life and in business. I have been fortunate enough to have studied under a great Aikido master, Gentil Pennewaert Shihan for the past twenty years at Newport Beach Aikido. Through the years, I have found myself applying the principles of Aikido as a business leader. I often tell my clients that I have graduated from the University of Aikido. |
Holistic Chamber of Commerce Celebrates 10 Years!LOS ANGELES, CA (October 10, 2020) – With a vision of healthy people on a healthy planet, the Holistic Chamber of Commerce (HCC) has woven together an international movement promoting holistic, natural and sustainable products, services and solutions. This expanding organization is pleased to celebrate its’ tenth anniversary this month. ![]() |
Mindful MarketingIf you want to sign up more customers, clients and/or patients, this is the one for you! Do you feel like you are putting yourself out there but can't figure out why people haven't signed up yet? There are two critical keys to make sure your marketing works well! 1. When people are looking for the product/service/event that you offer, will they find you? 2. When they find you, will they know how to sign up? Sure, your website offers a free gift in exchange for their email address... But what if someone is ready to buy now? What if they don't want to get on another email list? And do you even send emails to those who do sign up for your free gift? The Mindful Marketer knows that, to help people, you have to make it easy for them to buy. Sometimes, you first have to help people know why they want to buy. Sometimes, they are ready and they just need your number (or email) or an easy-to-see "click here" "sign up now" button, and make sure that your links work). |
Networking Today!![]() No doubt about it, we’re living in a new world… especially when it comes to networking. We used to be able to just go to a once monthly meeting of our local chapter of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce (or any other of a handful of networking groups) to connect with people. Now, we are using social media and Zoom for the majority of our networking opportunities. Ironically, while we are connected to more people all over, some of us feel less connected overall. What works for networking today? While most of your networking may be online these days, the keys are the same for BOTH online AND in-person networking. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, there are some core elements to keep in mind. |
Your Health and the Local Hospital![]() First, let’s consider the fact that hospitals are turning people away. They are overflowing AND don’t want the risk of having you get infected with something worse than what you already have. My mother went in for a heart procedure and was sent home the very next day (thankfully, she is healthy enough to recover quickly). I know of someone else who went in with a stroke and was turned away without being treated. It is now your responsibility to stay healthy and avoid the current pandemic as well as any other health-related problems. What are you to do? In other words, how do you stay healthy, even during these stressful times where we’ve all been handed a series of uncomfortable circumstances? |
Power Up Your Online PresenceWhile we can’t control world events, we can control what we do in response to them. Especially for solo-preneurs and small business owners, it can be easy to pivot and move in the direction of current circumstances. More people are paying attention to overall health and wellness than ever before and looking for products and services to support that! They are going online to search. Where will you be found? Being found online is a function of having a website and how often it comes up in relevant searches: Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Your SEO can get an easy boost from social media profiles AND other hyperlinks. In this interview with Charn Pennewaert, CEO and Founder of Media Stream, you’ll learn useful tips and tools for shifting your gears quickly, easily and affordably. Charn has over 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, SEO organic growth and web design. She also currently owns and manages which features top trending articles for the health and wellness industry. Keep reading for some easy ways you can pivot and POWER UP YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE – Yeah |
Growing With Gratitude![]() Of course, once I learned to be grateful for the richness of my life and the rewards of having a business that allows me to do what I love (talk about holistic approaches to health, lifestyle and business), it was clear that they are right.
6 Steps to Stay Healthy During Times of Stress![]() |
Save Money on Your Taxes!Did you know that certain holistic health expenses can be deducted from your taxes? IRS Publication 502 lists these allowable expenses*. They include:
The HCC Partners with Maryland University of Integrative HealthP
![]() With that focus, we are pleased to announce our new partnership with Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH) Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) Department. |
Essential Oils & You![]() Theoretically, we all know that each person’s body has different health and wellness responses and preferences. At the same time, we often want to know what has worked for others in hopes that it will also work for us... Essential oils are no different. What works for you may or may not work for me, and vice versa. Just like penicillin works for some people while others are allergic to it. Still, it helps to know what works for others. Often, that knowledge can help us find a solution that will work for you. Here is a short list of uses of essential oils that help relieve specific concerns. |
Starting Your Project![]() Today is the day! Start it your way! Starting new (or old) projects is much like planting a seed for a tree. You may wish you had done it years ago so it would already be fully grown and flourishing. If you didn't, for whatever reason, plant your seed and start your project today.
What is Your Mission?
Many successful entrepreneurs are very clear about why they do what they do. This is the point of having a strong vision and a written vision or purpose statement. Of course, there are other reasons as well.... Are you called to a higher purpose? What vision are you bringing to life? |