Keep in mind that even if one customer chooses another “store,” there is plenty of business for everyone! It’s not just that the “Law of Abundance” says so… Just look at Target and Tiffany. Both sell jewelry and both are successful. They are trusted to deliver on what they sell at the price for which they sell it. Likewise, there are plenty of customers for Whole Foods AND Sprouts AND Trader Joe’s. All three grocery chains are considered reputable in the healthy grocery industry.
Now, if you are in a different type of industry, establishing and enhancing your credibility in order to attract more customers, clients and patients is a matter of a few factors. Consider these:
1. Online Presence and Branding. If you think branding is only for large corporations, think again. To show the world that you are good at what you do, the first place most people are looking is online, at your website and/or your social media. What will they find when they get there?
As Mary Ann Mace of Energy Medicine Professional Insurance (EMPI) points out, “This is how you communicate to the world. This is your brand. Whether you have a website, blog, brochure or social media sites, you communicate your brand through a choice of words, messages and images. Anyone who sees or reads your content will get a sense of who you are (i.e. brand) and mission here.”
Whether it is your website or Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram profile, make sure you look good in public so that others can see the quality of what you offer to your customers, clients and patients.
2. Liability insurance. Having insurance protects you and your business. Insurance coverage communicates you care about your business and the people you treat. It also provides you with a sense of professionalism and protection from unexpected situations. Do you want to protect the aspects of your life that are important? Don’t we all? You probably have life insurance and medical coverage. As well, when you seek professional services, you probably look into a business’ credentials. Insurance coverage communicates confidence in your work and dependability. In other words, it lets your prospective patient (or client) know that you are responsible and trustworthy.
2. Liability insurance. Having insurance protects you and your business. Insurance coverage communicates you care about your business and the people you treat. It also provides you with a sense of professionalism and protection from unexpected situations. Do you want to protect the aspects of your life that are important? Don’t we all? You probably have life insurance and medical coverage. As well, when you seek professional services, you probably look into a business’ credentials. Insurance coverage communicates confidence in your work and dependability. In other words, it lets your prospective patient (or client) know that you are responsible and trustworthy.
We are pleased to offer our Holistic and Energy Medicine Members a 10% discount with EMPI.
3. Professional Memberships. Consider other professionals that you know… Do they display their membership in their local (conventional) Chamber of Commerce or their affiliation with the Better Business Bureau? Are they members of Toastmasters, BNI or Rotary International? Frankly, given my presence in the health arena, I’m aware that many US-based Western doctors join the American Medical Association (AMA).

Aligning yourself with a professional organization in your industry lets others know that you are a professional offering quality services and products, and that you support a cause and community that goes beyond yourself. Of course, displaying your organization’s logo on your website and/or social media adds to your marketing and branding presence ~ It’s like a booster shot for your credibility!
While there are other essential elements in building and maintaining a professional practice, such as documentation, these three are key to establishing a solid foundation.
With all of the options available for showing the world that you are a high-quality and trustworthy professional, it is easy and affordable to up-level today!
At the Holistic Chamber of Commerce, we check references on all of our members so we can represent high quality products and services available through our members in every element: Mind Body Spirit Business Budget Planet.
Special thanks to our partners for their contributions to this article and their support of our cause and community.
Learn more with:
Mary Ann Mace of Energy Medicine Professional Insurance by clicking here or calling 210-960-8807
Charn Pennewaert of Media Stream Marketing by clicking here or calling 714-318-8682
The Holistic Chamber of Commerce by clicking here or calling 310-490-6862
Mary Ann Mace of Energy Medicine Professional Insurance by clicking here or calling 210-960-8807
Charn Pennewaert of Media Stream Marketing by clicking here or calling 714-318-8682
The Holistic Chamber of Commerce by clicking here or calling 310-490-6862
Find holistically-minded providers at https://holisticchamberofcommerce.com/directory.