Then, you started considering it, opening up to new perspectives and possibilities, even unusual ones?
When you are interested in transformation – for yourself, your clients, your community – sometimes, it’s the unexpected that gets attention. Attracting attention is the first step to meeting new people which leads to a larger community and more impact in the world.
So when one of our long-time members suggested a mascot for the Holistic Chamber of Commerce, you can imagine my first response… Um, what? And a few days later, I found myself mulling it over and looking for possible mascots. Crazy!
Well, let me introduce you to our pet chameleons: https://www.facebook.com/camillesspace/videos/736442917349780
Why a chameleon (other than my name Camille)? The Holistic Chamber of Commerce is here to help transform the world, bringing holistic apporaches to a larger audience, and chameleons are experts in transformation!
Are you ready for some transformation of your own, looking for ways to expand your health and wealth? Check out our members’ products and services at https://holisticchamberofcommerce.com.
Camille Leon is the Founder and CEO of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce.
She is also an Author (Fresh Starts / Transformation in Action) and Artist.
She helps people find holistic approaches to health, life and business.