Written to inspire, motivate, and share ideas for building your business, these are Camille’s “lessons learned.”
We only recommend books that we love and think you will, too. We may receive a portion of sales from products purchased through this article, which was written by our Founder, Camille Leon. The HCC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc., or its affiliates.
So you're a creative, spiritual entrepreneur or perhaps you sell holistic products/services... Still, to spend more time doing what you want to do, you'll need to make money at it. Yet you want to work in alignment with your values. How do you do that?
Along the way of building the Holistic Chamber of Commerce, I've found six business books that are relevant and resonate with the holistic approach. Whether you listen to your books, read them electronically or prefer the OG hard copy, these are worth your time and money (or get them from the library).
They are, in no particular order:

Shared with permission from Dotty Scott of Premium Websites. Curated by HCC Founder Camille Leon.

The Impact of Color Theory in Website Design

Website color theory and psychology are crucial aspects of website design that go beyond aesthetics. Colors influence how visitors feel and interact with a site, shaping their perceptions and behaviors. Understanding and applying color can create an appealing website that evokes your audience’s desired emotional responses...
Embarking on the journey of starting your own massage therapy business can be both thrilling and daunting. However, with proper planning and strategic execution, you can turn this dream into a reality. In this guide, we'll explore the key steps and considerations for setting up a successful massage therapy business.

Questions to Ponder Before Starting a Massage Business

Before you dive into establishing your massage therapy business, it's essential to reflect on some fundamental questions. These queries will help you gain clarity about your venture and address potential challenges:
As we head into holiday season, it is good to consider what special offers will attract more customers, clients and patients to your products and/or services. Can you offer a BOGO or add a gift with purchase?
Here are several ideas...
When you are building your purpose-focused business, it helps to have help from others who can brainstorm with you and/or making referrals to you. And for fast growth, here are our three (3) top tips to stimulate the ideas and insights specific to you and your business.
Are you naturally creative? Always coming up with new ideas?
The danger of too many ideas is what is commonly known as 'butterfly syndrome' which can appear as if you are not dependable or committed to any one thing. Additionally, it can be challenging to implement effective actions on your primary focus if you are always chasing the next best thing...
The good news is that there are a few ways to wrangle your creative ideas, get them in alignment and fly high!
Did you know that there are 8 billion people living on earth today?
There are 8 billion ways to live, with multiple options, choices and decisions being made every day. This is good news in several ways and the first is that you are the only you!
It also means that there are plenty of people who could use your product/service. The key is to find them and help them understand why they want it, making it easy for them to purchase.
In this crazy wild world, there are days when it is a trick to stay inspired. Whether it's my health goals, my business/budget goals, or something else that is on my mind (worldwide conditions, anyone?), there are just times when I want a reminder that there is a   way to have it all be good for everyone. 
Then, I found a reference to mustard seeds in both biblical and Buddhist teachings!
What's in it for Me? I mean, really, why should you join? How will membership actually help you?
I mean, if you were to become a member... And for those of you who already are a member,
let's make sure you are fully connected to even more of what's included...
We talk about connections, but who would you be connecting with and for what purpose?
Our members fall into 3 primary types...
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised about this diagnosis. It's one my mother received about 20 years ago when she was my age now. At the beginning of 2022, a lump was found and tested. Since then, I've had one surgery and am looking at one more.
And it has me circling back to the BIG vision of what can happen when we come together in one umbrella professional organization for the holistic marketplace.
Picture this...You’re busy, busier than you’ve ever been. Your practice is booked solid and you are looking for two things, ways to save time and still more clients/patients/customers (because when we're here to heal the world, that's what you want).
Are you looking to grow your business? 
Maybe you’re wanting to expand your reach to clients and customers outside of your local region, or you are tired of having to explain what you do to people who just don’t “get it.”
If that’s the case, joining the Holistic Chamber of Commerce can help.
There are numerous benefits to becoming an HCC member, but most find the greatest value in networking opportunities, attending business growth events and workshops, and connecting with like-minded individuals who already value and want what you have to offer. 
BUT, our membership might NOT be the right fit for you. 
We know that this might surprise you, after all, shouldn’t we be wanting everyone to join our chamber of commerce?
We are all different… Shapes, sizes, textures, colors, ages and stages of life. Wouldn’t it be boring otherwise?
The challenge though is that means assumptions and expectations will show up as wonky.
The good news is that this can lead to new openings for expansion.
This is relevant when you are connecting with an individual or group of clients, customers, patients or colleagues.
If you are in the wellness world, there is a good chance that you have (or are considering) signing up to exhibit in a booth showcasing your products and services at a wellness fair. Perhaps you have learned the hard way that some events are better for your business than others…
This is the second (and last) in a series to help you make the most of your investment.
First, it is good to recognize that you are investing both money and time. Even if the booth is given to you for free, it will take time to prepare, be there and follow up with new leads. All three of these activities are key to making the most of your booth at this event!
If you are in the wellness world, there is a good chance that you showcasing  your products and services at a wellness fair is something you have done already (or want to do soon). Perhaps you have learned the hard way that not all events are created equal…
This is the first in a two-part series to help you make the most of your investment.
First, recognize that you are investing both money and time. Even if the booth is given to you for free, it will take time to plan, prepare, be there and follow up with new leads. You may need to hire a booth helper, create or purchase inventory, and interview with the event promoter. Our next article will cover ways to make the most of the event, whatever the results on the day you show up.
People are often asking me how health and money are related... They feel confused by how we’ve connected “holistic” to a chamber of commerce. This is such a long list that it’s easy to spiral down a rabbit hole. Still, the beginning is fairly simple.
The money in your bank account is a factor in both health and business decisions:
  1. where you shop for food and what you purchase; 
  2. whether you can get weekly massages (or acupuncture or chiropractic) or only once a quarter or only when you feel desperate for it; 
  3. whether your workout routine is in place because you time available for exercise; 
  4. hiring consultants and/or staff to handle the work involved, and expand your capacity to help even more people;
  5. taking time off for self-care and vacations; and so on and so forth. 
When you are fully playing the game of life, especially in your business, they can come up at all stages and ages of life. That’s right… Growing pains are not just for toddlers and teenagers.
It’s important to remember that these pains are about growth and there is growth on the other side. The pain will pass.
The pain may show up as physical, emotional or relational – and the connections between these means that they interact with each other. Your physical health impacts your relationships at home and at work, with family, friends and colleagues. Likewise, stressful situations at home or work can lead to a headache, migraine or worse.
What are you waiting for? It is easy to come up with reasons to wait (or procrastinate). 
These three tips make it easy to take action and move forward, creating the results that lead to the rewards that you really want.
Before you start, what is the project or idea that you have gotten stuck with? Is it your website, a social media platform, headshots or something else?
Has anyone ever given you a wild and crazy idea that, when you first heard it, you thought… No way?!
Then, you started considering it, opening up to new perspectives and possibilities, even unusual ones?
When you are interested in transformation – for yourself, your clients, your community – sometimes, it’s the unexpected that gets attention. Attracting attention is the first step to meeting new people which leads to a larger community and more impact in the world.
In the virtual world, it can sometimes seem like relationships are disconnected. Scattered. Impersonal.
One post could reach thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. 
To keep things real and personal, it's good to maintain a personal touch with those you can. Maybe you can’t do that with everyone, especially when your tribe is at a certain size; you can certainly do it with some.
What do you think about using controversial topics and opinions in your marketing?
I just read the “Non Sequitor” comic strip in Sunday’s LA Times and it got my attention to see that Joe Rogan has a HUGE contract with Spotify.
Whether you agree or disagree with him, the question about using controversy to sell your product and/or service is relevant. 
No doubt about it, we’re living in a new world… especially when it comes to networking.
We used to be able to just go to a once monthly meeting of our local chapter of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce (or any other of a handful of networking groups) to connect with people.
Now, we are using social media and Zoom for the majority of our networking opportunities. Ironically, while we are connected to more people all over, some of us feel less connected overall.
What works for networking today? While most of your networking may be online these days, the keys are the same for BOTH online AND in-person networking.
Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, there are some core elements to keep in mind.
On the surface, this question seems quite specific… At the same time, it can be applied to any business, of any size. How do you help more people to know about, and understand the value of, your product/service?
The answer is all about awareness and education. In business terms, marketing. Remember that people who have never tried your product/service may take longer to make a decision. They may want to get a stronger sense of how it works while they are deciding. Marketing tools can help them along the way.
Marketing is a HUGE topic so we will focus here on a few ideas that can help you reach more people with your products and/or services. We use two primary approaches for increasing awareness, education and access for the general public to holistic approaches:
When connecting with others, it’s tempting to show up with what we have to say about out purpose and passion, our products and services… And the most successful people know that asking questions and listening to answers creates long-term connections for more win-win relationships.
Some good questions to use, that work with people you’ve known for years as well as those you are just meeting:
  1. What are your goals?
  2. What keeps you up at night?
  3. What are your priorities now?
  4. What would help you most right now?
  5. Do you have any new projects in the works?

How do you deliver your message? 
What words and attitude do you use to tell people about your products and/or services?
There are so many ways to go! Consider Oprah, Chopra, Gary Vee, Alicia Keys and all of the other voices in the world. Every one of them as a different approach to talking about their mission, vision and whatever else is going on.
Here are some questions that can help you choose the best style and strategy for you:
The Power of Partnership
How do you leverage the power of connections and collaborations to expand your reach as a holistic professional or business owner?
Whether you own your own business or work for someone else, partnerships are a powerful way to expand your reach to new customers, clients or patients AND power up your presence in the marketplace.
What would the world, and our businesses, be like if we viewed everyone as a partner? When we view everyone as a partner, we are more likely to treat people with respect and consideration. From there, we are well-positioned to create partnerships that go beyond the status quo.
As is often the case, these healers-to-be experienced illnesses for which western medical care had few solutions, and so their healing journeys began in earnest.
They soon found an abundance of ancient remedies, both in nature and in cutting-edge technology using the eternal quantum laws of physics that went deep into the emotional heart of the dis-ease, rooting it out completely over time.
Because of that whole mind|body|spirit approach, they were cured, one might say, across many levels and dimensions. They then felt empowered to bring this work to others to fulfill their purpose. 
But one of these souls chose to hold the energy of anger against the “establishment,” railing against power and profit-driven protocols. This practitioner was clever and well-versed in all the ways the matrix holds onto its power. This warrior, of sorts, resisted these forces, which only served to prop up that which they railed against, actually giving it more life – “what you resist, persists.”
When you are selling something, be it a product or service, there are a few hallmarks of trustworthiness (i.e. credibility) that make it easier for consumers to choose you and your product/service over others. In this era where people are often going online first, what are the credibility boosters that can help them choose you over the other providers offering the same thing?
Keep in mind that even if one customer chooses another “store,” there is plenty of business for everyone! It’s not just that the “Law of Abundance” says so… Just look at Target and Tiffany. Both sell jewelry and both are successful. They are trusted to deliver on what they sell at the price for which they sell it. Likewise, there are plenty of customers for Whole Foods AND Sprouts AND Trader Joe’s. All three grocery chains are considered reputable in the healthy grocery industry.
Now, if you are in a different type of industry, establishing and enhancing your credibility in order to attract more customers, clients and patients is a matter of a few factors. Consider these:
What filters are you looking through? What perspectives are influencing you? Are you making decisions based on a past that no longer applies?
Whether you are looking at health- or business-related decisions, your perspective can make a world of difference.
The most common filters are those of past, present and future.
PAST: It can be easy to make default decisions based on your past. Either you keep repeating yourself or you take the opposite approach, always changing strategies because it didn’t work before and you don’t want a repeat. In general, if you want new results, it is best to do something new. Still, there are times when you are in such a different position now that it is worth trying again. The previous time you may have been ahead of schedule. This time you are really ready.
As I write this, Thanksgiving in the U.S. is coming up soon and the December gifting holidays are right after that.
This is such a lovely positioning of holidays as it takes us from thinking about who we are thankful for right into gifting them with something special. My only challenge is that I am thankful for far more people than I can give gifts to! So I’m always on the lookout for ways to give and gift throughout the year. Still, there are some that I cant to send gifts to in December.