
Chiropractic care is a natural method of health care that focuses on correcting the causes of physical problems from subluxations or misalignments of the bones in the body, especially the spine. A Chiropractor (D.C.) provides health care that is holistic and improves people’s lives by optimizing the functioning of the nervous system, so the body is able to function better.
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Colon cleansing is removing stool from the colon through the use of laxatives, enemas, enzymes, herbal teas, or dietary supplements. The theory behind colon cleansing is that it helps remove toxins from the body (detoxification) and helps the "good" bacteria in the colon to flourish. This helps balance body chemistry, eliminate waste, and restore proper tissue and organ function.
Colon Hydrotherapy (also known as colonics) uses filtered water passed through the colon to accomplish detoxification and removal of excess toxins from the body. It has been known to help with weight loss, weight management and other types of physical cleanses.
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A constellation is a process that allows your subconscious dynamics to reveal hidden secrets that cause problems in your life. Once something is conscious, you can be empowered to make better choices that serve you beyond any inherited negative patterns that do not.
Usually through a group process, you are supported by a skilled facilitator with attendees who represent aspects or ancestors as needed. They respond to the energy of your subconscious. The facilitator reads the energy of the core issue that needs to be expressed and works toward resolution of internal conflict(s). A new reality emerges once hidden secrets are revealed and energy is released.
Constellations accelerate change at the deepest of levels of awareness at lightning speed.
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Dowsing is an ancient practice that was used to find water. Today it still is, and it's also used to clear energy disturbances in homes and businesses. Energy disturbances are created by things like EMFs, cell phones and towers, negative vortexes, geopathic stress or even previous occupants. By dowsing your home or business and using copper curing rods, you are able to block out these negative vibrations which can result in better sleep, less anxiety, calmer pets, removing vibrations from past occupants, and helping homes sell and increased business. Positive energy is everything!
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Float therapy involves floating in approx. 10 inches of warm water filled with high concentrations Epsom salts. This creates a floating experience resulting in a feeling of weightlessness and deep relaxation, stress relief and pain relief. It is often used for treatment of PTSD and anxiety issues. it is sometimes considered a form of meditation and has many other potential benefits.
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Guided Imagery (GI) is a therapeutic healing technique in which a facilitator uses descriptive language intended to psychologically benefit an individual or group of individuals. This technique incorporates the unconscious mind and imagery, intended for emotional and/or physical wellness and stress relief. GI may be meditative or interactive, allowing the client to discover or rediscover important information about themselves through the guidance of an intuitive counselor. Find a professional near you through our Member Directory |
A popular form of natural therapy in Europe and Russia, Halotherapy is also known as Salt Therapy. It is a natural and holistic treatment for adults and children that has been known to help with respiratory system concerns like allergies and asthma, as well as skin conditions. It also promotes better breathing, sounder sleep and overall wellness.

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Homeoprophylaxis, also known as HP, orally introduces safe, homeopathic versions of diseases to the body in order to naturally stimulate the immune system. It is the safe use of diluted and potentized disease products (nosodes) or material from an animal, mineral or vegetable source to educate the immune system naturally.
Provided by Cilla Whatcott, World Wide Choice, CCH, PhD.
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Credited to Barbara Schiffman, C.Ht.,
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- Aikido
- Capoeira
- Hapkido
- Jiu Jitsu
- Judo
- Karate
- Krav Maga
- Kung Fu
- Muay Thai
- Tae Kwon Do
- Tai Chi
A Medical Intuitive also scans and evaluates the human energetic biofield, or the aura and major chakra systems, to locate areas of energetic imbalance. This can reveal unresolved emotional, mental, physical and/or spiritual traumas from a client or patient’s life experience, particularly those at the root, or cause, of current health concerns.
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Naturopaths are natural health practitioners who help you to solve your health issues without the use of drugs or surgery. Naturopaths employ many different methods of healing, which may include herbs, tinctures, teas, essential oils, reflexology, energy work, supplements, nutrition, massage, accupressure, and other techniques.
All techniques used by naturopaths are based on natural methods using food, water, air, exercise, sleep, energy and management of emotions. Modern methods may be employed to enhance the treatments. Naturopaths take the creed "First, do no harm" very seriously. They believe that chemicals and prescription drugs are harmful to the body.
The most important thing naturopaths do is to treat YOU as a whole person, not a set of symptoms. Naturopaths will work with you to discover the CAUSE of your symptoms, so that they will go away permanently, completely, and naturally.
From Dr. Sherrie Reimers, N.D.
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A popular form of natural therapy in Europe and Russia, Salt Therapy is also known as Halotherapy. It is a natural and holistic treatment for adults and children that has been known to help with respiratory system concerns like allergies and asthma, as well as skin conditions. It also promotes better breathing, sounder sleep and overall wellness.
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- Reducing stress for individuals of all ages and genders
- Increasing strength and flexibility for physical fitness
- Improving mental health and emotional wellness
- Encouraging nutritious food choices and healthy exercise routines
- Better balance

- Ashtanga
- Bikram
- Hatha
- Iyengar
- Kundalini
- Vinyasa
- Swastika *image on left*